delta-t COCKPIT: Rule-based expert system

How to cope with the rapid change businesses undergo today?

Lead the business by the seven principles of agile business management.
The delta-t COCKPIT
Rule based expert system guiding to manage a business with top notch agility - achieving sustainable success.
Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants, System Admin
Users - Regular users
Members of the community of one business, at all levels of organization.

User interface

One page delta-t COCKPIT. (Main screen)
Four key widgets: Goal, My obligations, Our agile management capability, Our messages.
* Seven principles of agile business management.
*Hard coded by principle of agile busness management.
Tasks - Managers
Lead the business to sustainable results by agile business management.
Tasks - Other users
Deliver their obligations according to roles and responsibilities.

How to view the business for agile management?

Complement the traditional hierarchical view of business with viewing the business as a community driving the flow of matter (products, services), information (between all community members) and energy (cost, efforts) (See book TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, by Bernard Lietaer)

The delta-t COCKPIT

Comprises the rules and functions for establishing and managing the business community.

Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants, System Admin.
Users - Regular users
Members of the community of one business, at all levels of organization.

User interface

Our users widget (Menu)
List of members of the community.

* Seven rules hardcoded "must apply" (M).

Tasks - Managers
* Assign roles and respionsibilites in community to users.
Tasks - Other users
* Confirm roles and responsibitlites as user.

Which goal for the community to focus on?

Focus on just one goal: sufficient profitable revenue for today and tomorrow - rather than setting key performance indicators as prime goals. Consider all other goals as secondary.. (see book THE GOAL by E.Goldratt)
The delta-t COCKPIT
Guides and assists to focus all inititiaties in the entire community on one single goal..

Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants

Users - Regular users
Unit community members

User interface

Our goal widget (Menu)
One page goal chart, with pop up goal table.
* Eight rules hard coded: Five “must apply” rules (M) ,
* Three “alarm” rules (A),
* One rule recommended to be followed. (R).
Tasks - Managers
* Log unit goals
Tasks - Other users
* Set goal chart and table as required

How to assign accountability for the goal?

Hold managers of each revenue generating unit accountable for achieving its own goal, by overcoming its individual constraints - rather than placing accountability for company results only at the top.

The delta-t COCKPIT
Guides and assists to set up goal accountable units, in hierarchical or matrixed organization.

Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants.

Users - Regular users
Unit community members.

User interface

Our units widget (Menu)
Hierarchical list of H- and M-units, with unit accountable managers and unit project managers
* Seven rules hard coded.
*Six“must apply” rules. (M)
* One rule recommended to be followed. (R)
Tasks - Managers
* Set up structure of goal accountable units (Groups, H,M)
* Assign units to owners
* Set up unit goal
* Move unit position in organization
Tasks - Other users
* Set up DoD goal charts for their obligations

Which improvement initiatives should we drive?

Only drive Initiatives which overcome constraints to the goal - rather than improving everything.
Initiatives not addressing constraints waste time and money.(See GOLDRATT)
The delta-t COCKPIT
Guides and assists to design operational plans resolving a business unit's constraints.
Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants
Users - Regular users
Owners of obligations

User interface

Our operational plan widget. (Menu)
One page, constraint focused, operational plan.
* Five rules hard coded ("must apply" rules (M) ,
* Four rules recommended to be followed (R).
Tasks - Managers
* Identify unit constraints (off line)
* Design operational plans
* Copy operational plans unit-to-unit
* Design x function x unit initiatives
Tasks - Other users
* Confirm commitment to deliver their obligations

How to deliver the operational plan successfully?

Focus on delivering in short operational sprints, rather than by longer range operational plans.
The delta-t COCKPIT
Guides and assists to deliver operational plans in short operational sprints.
Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants.
Users - Regular users
Obligation owners

User interface

Our goal & My obligations widgets (Main screen).
Goal chart and user's obligations to be worked on and delivered for the active sprint.
* Six rules hard coded “must apply” (M),
* Two “alarm” rules (A)
Tasks - Managers
* Update goal values monthly,
* Update goal comments monthly,
* Review goal performance of units,
* Identify constrained units,
* Review operational plans of constrained units,
Tasks - Other users
* Update progress in their obligations, at least monthly
* Update progress to obligation DoD in chart

How to always have the right plan?

Re-orient operational plans after each sprint to recognize accelerated change in the business world.

The delta-t COCKPIT
Guides and assists to re-design operational plans after each sprint.

Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants.

Users - Regular users
Unit community members.

User interface

Our deep review widget. (Menu)
Presents active operational plan for “deep review”.


* Four rules hard coded “must apply” (M),
* One “alarm” rule (A)

Tasks - Managers
* Identify present constraints.
* Identiy future constraints
* Analyze operational plan of constrained unit(s)
* Decide for change of plan item(s)
* Assign obligation to adjust the plan
Tasks - Other users
* Confirm commitment to deliver
* Deliver obligations to adjust the plan

How to lead the business community to high competence in agile management?

Lead to mprove capability in agile management of the goal and of delivering obligations.
The delta-t COCKPIT
Scores capability in agile busness management, in achieving the goal and in managing obligations.
Users - Managers
Executives, Unit Managers, Project managers, Consultants.
Users - Regular users
Unit community members

User interface

Our agile management capability widget (Main screen)
Scoring charts for excellence in agile business management
* Four rules hard coded “must apply”. (M)
* One “alarm” rule. (A)
Tasks - Managers
* Identify units requiring improvement.
* Review unit scores in agile business management (EOL, EAG, EMO, PEC cycle).
* Identify the constraint for higher capability.
* Plan initiatives to resolve that constraint.
* Deliver related initiatives.
Tasks - Other users
* Grow personal capability in agile business management.