Wolfgang Klemm

Business agility consultant, AURORA tecKnow GmbH (Germany)  - Contact

My motto

VUCA (*) is here to stay. Master the challenge and grow. #FixTheFlowAndGrow

* Volantility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity

My offer as business agility consultant


Agile management workshops.

Get your business going in agile management with the delta-t COCKPIT Copilot.

Agility consulting by subscription

My industry experience

IT, IT Services, IT-Outsourcing, Software Development
Automotive, Manufacturing, Industrial Solutions
Insurance, Financial Services, Banking
Food, Pharma, Med-Tec, HealthCare, Chemical Industry, Logistics, Tourism
Government Services, KRITIS

My business function experience

Turnaround for projects & service organizations
Organizational change
Agile leadership
Portfolio strategy
Digitalization for real value
AI solutions with real impact
Development Lead

My languages
