Get going in business agility consulting

with delta-t COCKPIT - in five steps

Five steps

To get going, leverage our delta-t COCKPIT AI Co-Pilot for a next generation and more efficient consulting practice.

Step 1: Decide to get going
Step 2: Take agile management workshop
Step 3: Set up your personal demo delta-t COCKPIT AI Copilot
Step 4: Win consulting assignments with delta-t COCKPIT AI Copilot
Step 5: Consult with delta-t COCKPIT AI Copilot

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Step 1: Decide - Video introduction

(Click illustration)

A short, but precise introduction to AI supported business agility consulting with delta-t COCKPIT:

Why? Business consulting goes through a paradigm shift from “traditional” to “AI supported”

What? AI supported business consulting combines guidance by AI Co-Pilot (rules based expert system) with human consulting services

How? delta-t COCKPIT guides business managers by the seven principles of agile management

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Step 2: Take the business agility workshop for a client

Chart your client's business as flow serving customers
Set your client's operational goal
Log your client's goal in a unit goal table and chart.
Find your client's constraint
Identify the existing or foreseen root cause for your client missing the goal
Design your client's constraint focused operational plan
Develop your client's operational plan as logic tree for resolving the constraint

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Step 3: Set up your personal demo delta-t COCKPIT

Set up specific instance of the delta-t COCKPIT AI Copilot for a prospective client

Log your prospective client's business ecosystem

  • Chart your prospective client's business ecosystem
  • Log your client's network of people and responsibilities to deliver flow of services to organization customers.

Log your prospective client's organization for agility

  • Log hierarchical and matrix organization of your prospective client's revenue generating units

Log your prospective client's goals by unit

*Log monthly goals in unit goal tables.

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Step 4: Win business agility consulting assignments

Formalize relationship with Delta Institute

* Sign consulting partner cooperation agreement.

Take video course "Agile business management with delta-t COCKPIT

* 45 min. detailed coaching in functions of delta-t COCKPIT. Exclusively available for agility consultants. (Password protected. Link available from Delta Institute.)

Get listed on Delta Institute website - Agility consulting network  

* Personal space in network of consultants - showing agility focus and industry experience

Benefit from Delta Institute prospecting support

* Access to Agility Consultants resource library on Dropbox,
* Promotion of agility consulting onn LinkedIn
* Other support available from Delta Institute on demand.

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Step 5: Consult with delta-t COCKPIT

Services offered

* Set up delta-t COCKPIT AI Co-Pilot: Goal, organization, units, general settings.
* Presentations on agile business management: Why, what and how.
* Agile management workshops: Coach in developing constraint focused operational sprint plans.
* Consulting by subscription: Monthly diagnosis and report on opportunities to improve agile management.
* Constraint resolution projects: Lead specific initiatives to resolve constraints

* Consulting fees
* Commission on delta-t COCKPIT AI Co-Pilot license fee (25% on client payments)

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